Not your Average Joint

I got my inspiration on this one from my sister who has started rolling her on cigarettes. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I do Medicate.  Most forums I looked on everyone was concerned that the filter would eliminate some of the THC. I was willing to use a little of my medicine in the name of science. So I used my sisters machine to test it out before I ordered my own It worked great it was packed ok and burned a little faster than a cigarette normally would but that wasn't a concern at the moment, I was just happy that it worked it was a very nice high nothing different than smoking a normal joint. I haven't found the perfect amount or had a perfect pack in one of them yet.

       Pros: The filter doesn't take out THC. If it does its not enough to notice.
                The filter provides a smoother draw until the end.
                You don't have to worry about the end you hit from being wet and resinous
                 Discreet. Big Bonus

       Cons: Burns to fast
                 Having trouble getting a good pack

Update: I have been prepacking the bottom of the tube before I use the injector. Where the filter and the paper were coming together the was a air pocket that was causing it to burn really fast. The pre-pack eliminates the air pocket allowing you to enjoy more of your medication

All in All I really like this and with a little practice find a good pack and slower burn. It uses about the same as a good size joint. Overall my goal was to find out if the filter eliminated any of the THC. My conclusion is no it does not.
