Before I knew better

Growing up simi-privilaged in the south I was really protected from talk about marijuana as a drug or a medicine. When I got to high school I was so afraid of having a seizure in front of everyone that when I was offered anything besides alcohol I wouldn't take it. I didn't have a way knowing any different. the only knowledge I had was from "drugs are bad" speeches and D.A.R.E. (FYI DARE doesn't refer to marijuana as being a bad drug in their classes now) I was a trusting kid, why would I doubt the ones that were trusted to educate me. Drugs are still bad, I just know now that weed isn't a drug, its a plant. Eventually I started smoking weed and realized how awesome its was and that it had never hurt anyone. I quit smoking weed for about 2 years and started having seizures again, that's when I started realizing that this is not just something that gets me high but its helping me. I enjoy researching and learning new things everyday almost as much as I enjoy the benefits of it. I have been seizure free for almost 6 years. I still have frequent absent seizures but no full blown seizures. Don't just write off something when someone says something is bad for you. Do your own research and decide for yourself. Don't forget to use common sense.


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